With 5-Star Callers you know the value of the caller before you answer your phone, so you never miss a top sales opportunity.
Knowing who is calling you before you even pick up the phone
Knowing how and where to best spend your marketing dollars
Being able to never miss a call with a potential top customer
Being able to match the best sales calls with your best salesperson
Having access to data that will make you more profitable
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We are all about phone-based interactions.
Our suite of proven tools and services are designed to increase, sales, profits, and efficiencies while enhancing customer experience.
We provide business owners a telephony-based call management service:
Knowledge of what advertising generates the best leads
Real-time -scoring for each call based on the anticipated value of the inbound calls - each call is ranked based upon a customized scoring system built for you
Alerts notifying you immediately of each inbound call
Calls routed to the best person to handle each call
Proprietary “Tele-Analytics” - online analytics and reporting, all real-time
Select the Services Important for you
Carrier Service: Competitive and fully redundant infrastructure, design to cost-effectively serve you and provide uninterrupted service
Toll-Free & Local Phone Numbers: Thousands of toll-free and local numbers available to track your advertising dollars.
Predictive Scoring: Customized score for each incoming call that ranks quality of prospect….in real-time.
Call Routing: Allows you the business owner to determine where you want each inbound call routed.
Tele-Analytics: Online reports providing you insight into your customers, prospects, marketing efforts, and even agent performance.
Call Recording: Online recording of each call.
IVR: Self-service call triage.
Business Opportunity Alerts: Electronic notifications based upon business criteria important to you. Decide who, when, and where alerts are sent
Watch the videos below to learn more about the features of 5-Star Callers.
Learn More About How 5-Star Callers Delivers The Most Valuable Callers Best Suited To Help You Grow Your Business.

Learn More About How We Score Calls In Real-Time.

Learn More About How We Deliver Alerts for High-Value Calls To You and/or Your Team.
Learn More About How Our Reports Deliver Actionable Data for You To Run Your Business.

Have a question or need additional information?
Give us a ring, we’ll be happy to talk with you or complete the contact form and send us a message.
Call: 800.300.2150.